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August 28, 2006


Zach K

Great article. As a native Sheboygan-ite I've driven that route many times.

It's certainly a little too far to commute, but if you lived in between the two (like the couple in the article)... who knows?

A couple initial reactions:

- A "regionalist" type of approach between the two cities as the described in the article (thinking of them as a region, and each focuses on its strengths to catalyze economic activity across the region) seems like such commonsense.

Why is it so difficult to actually make this happen?

- It's really telling to see the commuting patterns around the Milwaukee region. Clearly there's a lot of reverse commuting going on.

- Can you explain the communiting patterns in Racine County? You've got a lot of new commuting to the west (to where?) and to the east (to where?).

I don't know enough about Racine County to understand exactly what is going on there.

John Michlig

Regarding Racine: A few years back - before I really had any interest in sustainable development issues on a personal level, frankly - I worked as a consultant for the Racine County Economic Development Council. I had to learn quite a bit about the region and was surprised to note the disconnect in the Milwaukee-Milwaukee suburbs-Racine-Chicago corridor. The reliance on cars and highways is so great that the logical rail connection is nonexistent beyond the Milwaukee-to-Chicago Amtrak line (a great ride, but illogical for me as I live in a southern suburb and would have to drive north to the depot to come back south - - no depots down here!).

John Michlig

Correction - There is a new Amtrak depot near Mitchell International Airport which is certainly accessible from my neck of the suburbs. $21 one-way fare to Chicago, plus $5 per day parking at the airport.

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