Kudos to Republican spokesperson Kevin Fischer for remaining consistent with his right wing cohorts (like Patrick McIlheran) in citing studies by fine, upstanding organizations with really mainstream sounding names like "The American Legislative Council."
Mr. Fischer would like you to vote no on the two Franklin School District referendum questions up for vote on April 3rd, and reports with urgency in his March 18th blog entry at Franklinnow.com:
The American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC) reported in its last Report Card on American Education that “the conventional wisdom that primary and secondary education in the United States can be improved by spending more money, creating more school districts, increasing teacher salaries, and spending more resources per pupil is ineffective.”
Wow. That sounds serious and official.
Understand this: "The American Legislative Exchange Council" is a right wing organization funded by over three hundred corporate sponsors. Some corporations and trade groups that have supported ALEC include: American Nuclear Energy Council, American Petroleum Institute, Coors Brewing Company, Texaco, Pharmaceutical Research & Manufacturers of America, Phillip Morris, R.J. Reynolds Tobacco, the Church of Scientology, Exxon Mobil, the National Rifle Association, and Amway, just to name a few. They pay enormous amounts of money to ALEC to make sure the Republicans they helped elect toe the corporate line, and Republican operatives like Mr. Fischer regurgitate their talking points in the line of duty to the party.
Are these the people from whom you want advice regarding education?
You can read more about this sham organization here and here.