From the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel:
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[email protected]More harmful to the state's agricultural economy than the steady march of urban sprawl across the landscape is the proliferation of homes on huge rural lots that break up large stretches of working farmland, land preservationists say.
These mega-home sites of three, five, 10, 20 or more acres - described by farmland preservation advocates as "too small to farm and too big to mow" - make it difficult for nearby farmers to continue farming.
The large home lots, typically with a big house set in the middle, cannot be used for farming. And the introduction of new non-farm neighbors often sets up conflicts with nearby farmers over slow tractors on narrow country roads, dust, unpleasant odors and assorted, sometimes late-night farm noise.
"If you move out to the country and you have a $1.5 million investment in your house, you probably won't be excited about seeing me with the manure spreader right along your property line," said John Koepke, part of the family that owns the large Koepke Farms dairy operation in the Town of Oconomowoc, where a battle is going on to protect the last large expanse of working farmland left in Waukesha County.
During a recent daylong conference in Oconomowoc on maintaining Wisconsin's working farmland, state Agriculture Secretary Rod Nilsestuen said that at a time when agriculture is being looked at with new interest for use in alternative fuels and other bio-products, it's critical that Wisconsin protect working farmland from fragmentation.
"It's hard for farmers to drive around a McMansion . . . and do it economically," he said.
Various tools are needed to protect land, he said, including creation of programs for the purchase of development rights, and working-land enterprise areas, as well as an overhaul of the state's Farmland Preservation Program. All of these initiatives were recommended by a state task force, and Nilsestuen is advancing them.
Fragmentation hurts farming
Scott Everett, Great Lakes regional director of the American Farmland Trust, said the migration of people from urban to rural areas, the building of single homes on large country lots and the breakup of farmland into five- and 10-acre parcels have contributed to significant loss of farmland in Wisconsin and the nation.
"The reason we're losing farmland, more than sprawl, is low-density development and fragmentation," he said.
Everett told those attending the Oconomowoc conference that once a farmer sees a new home go up near his farm, he knows he won't be farming much longer and becomes reluctant to invest further into his farming operation.
Analysts even have a name for this: "impermanence syndrome."
Local zoning and land-use plans can be used to direct development away from rural areas and to appropriate growth areas, said Dale Shaver, director of parks and land use for Waukesha County. Local ordinances can encourage clustered, higher-density development in designated areas, he said.
But, Shaver added, "We haven't moved forward in using these tools to protect farmland."
Still, he noted, some communities are exploring programs to preserve areas where there still exists enough farmland to maximize production and efficiency.
Recognizing that for many farmers the sale of their land pays for their retirement, some innovative farmland preservation programs allow farmers to sell development rights to their land while continuing to work and live on the farm.
Matt Moroney, executive director of the Metropolitan Builders Association, said developers would welcome opportunities to do more high-density residential projects that include not only single-family homes on small lots but also apartments and condominiums, because there is a demand for this.
"But not many are being done," he said, noting that many communities prefer more high-end, low-density residential development.
"It's not one-size-fits-all, but there is a market for higher-density developments; there's too much emphasis in this market on lower density and not enough on higher density."
But Moroney said everyone has different preferences for where and how they want to live and the market will always respond to those preferences. Some will always want to move out to the country and build a home on a lot of five, 10 or 20 acres, he said.
"Some people are willing to pay for it and willing to spend more time in their cars," he said. "And in America, people can make those choices."
Link: JS Online: Big lots hurt farming more than sprawl, land-savers say.
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