From the looks of the earth-movers setting up on the corner of Drexel and Hwy. 100, Shoppes at Wyndham Village is a go.
But ...
The minutes from the City of Franklin Special Plan Commission Meeting, May 31, 2007, seem to indicate that there are conditions on approval of the site plan that have not been met (my emphasis added below):
BUSINESS ITEMS: Mark E. Carstensen Developments, Inc. (Shoppes at Wyndham Village)
2. (Site Plan) To allow an up-scale, retail center called The Shoppes at Wyndham Village with approximately 251,000 square feet of commercial development consisting of eight (8) buildings on approximately 38.7 acres.
Commissioner Bennett moved and Alderman Skowronski seconded to recommend approving with conditions a Site Plan for the Shoppes at Wyndham Village Commercial Retail Center (Approximately 7700 to 7800 South Lovers Lane Road (USH 45/STH 100)) (MEC Holdings I, LLC, Applicant), in addition, with the conditions that the architectural plans and elevations are not approved hereof and must be returned to the Plan Commission for review and approval at a later date, and that the developer must receive all wetland permits and approvals from authorizing agencies. Upon roll call Alderman Skowronski and Commissioners Torres, Ritter, Bennett and Hanneman voted ‘aye.’ Commissioner Haley voted ‘no.’ Motion carried.
Today is July 17th, and earth-moving equipment and Porta-potties are being offloaded onto the development property.
Why is this interesting? Because it appears that Mark E. Carstensen Developments, Inc. still has some DNR permits outstanding.
I'm told that a I have in my possession a copy of the WDNR Water Quality Certification letter (also known as "the permit") that is dated June 12th. Once issued, as part of the permit condition, the developer must publish the certification as public notice in the paper and send proof to the DNR that it was printed. Then a 30-day waiting period begins.
The public notice (certification) was published in the paper on June 28th. The WDNR permit/certification becomes effective after the 30 day period if there is no objection. For this certification/notice, the comment period will close July 28th. A contested case hearing was requested within that time period (the Milwaukee County Conservation Coalition is just one one group that has petitioned the DNR for a contested case hearing).
Is there follow-through on contingencies within resolutions like the ones we see in the Plan Commission minutes above? Can a developer begin grading on a site plan not yet approved?
Just another case where there needs to be far more transparency in the Franklin planning process.