From, "Franklin School District residents last night overwhelmingly approved a 5.6 percent tax levy increase in the 2007-08 school budget."
Condition: Sprawled, unchecked residential development. Consequence: Overburdened school district.
But, guess what? That's not the main reason for high property taxes here in Franklin; see my post "Property taxes: 'Why am I paying so much?' Part 2."
Paul Soglin's take on the subject, and a link to a terrific informational resource, via his Waxing America blog:
You have to give Wisconsin Manufacturers & Commerce (WMC) credit. They can shake your hand and pick your pocket at the same time. I have more respect for the saw mill operator who torched the town so he could sell more lumber. At least he rebuilt what he destroyed.
Your check book is in safer hands with a Nigerian spammer asking for your signature so he can share his trusted oil millions with you rather than a WMC spokesman offering you tax reform.
I remember when WMC's Jim Buchen said, "Wisconsin needs a property tax freeze, and this plan will give taxpayers needed relief.” (False)
The there were the repeated messages that, "Wisconsin has the fifth highest state and local taxes in the U.S., reports the non-partisan Tax Foundation in Washington, D.C." (False)
For the past thirty years, significant changes in Wisconsin tax law not only reduced taxes on Wisconsin businesses, but they shifted them to the ordinary homeowner. Take a look at Exposing the Wisconsin "Tax Hell" Hoax written and prepared by Jack Norman of the Institute for Wisconsin's Future.
Here are the facts, from Jack:
- As property taxes on manufacturers and agricultural lands dropped, home owners picked up the burden. When the business property next door had its taxes lowered a few thousand dollars, the difference was picked up by the residential property owners.
- As the Republicans led the charge to lower corporate income taxes, personal income taxes had to pick up the burden. That is why Forward Wisconsin boasts: "Wisconsin ranks fourth lowest in the nation in business taxes as a percent of all state and local taxes."
- All of this shifting means that while home owners used to pay 50% of all property taxes in Wisconsin, they now pay 70%.
There is more to note about the Wisconsin tax climate, but for now, one thing is clear. WMC is looking out for themselves and no one else. When the legislature is in session nothing is safe as WMC loots and pillages. They plunder too.