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November 07, 2007


Terrence Berres

To a comment of mine in an earlier post, you wrote "Nor will the straw man ('Pollyanna'? 'Golden Age'?) be invited to stay for dinner, so to speak."

Okay, how about "a paradise lost"?


Certainly more than enough fallen angels to choose from...

David Kendall

Cry me a river of spilt milk. Screw the freakin' "middle-class". And while you're at it -- blow me. Krugman (whoever he is) clearly defines the problem when he says, "Like the rest of my generation, I took the America I grew up in for granted". Me, and millions of "Americans" like me, are the debt legacy imposed by such arrogant neglegance.

The "next generation" is no longer the future, Mr. Krugman. Rather, it has come to roost here and now the present, resting squarely upon the shoulders of your descendants.

Welcome home, "America". We've returned, full-circle, to the British Enclosures from whence we came. How many generations are required to repay such monstrous incompetence with an average annual income of $30,000 or less? Some analysts consider financial default on such unauthorized debt the most "patriotic" response to this preposterous mess, and I happen to concur.

But cooperative participation in building alternative models of "economic democracy" is a mandatory prerequisite for successful abandonment and abolishment of the irrational status-quo.

We don't need a new "President". We don't need a new "Messiah". We don't need a new "Leader". We need a new blueprint. We need a new plan. The time to scrap the old plan and implement a new one is now.

Susan Ashcroft

I have been impressed by Krugman's writings always, esp on health issues. Also, by his writings about the gross inequality that exists the world over, but esp in US. I remember reading the preposterous figures in one of his coulmns, about how the top 1% of the population in US benefits and profits, from the govt policies and esp thro' tax breaks, and even preposterous, the top 0.01% of the top 1% surging ahead by 1000 times or more as compared to the remaining 99.9%!!! Well, where are we going? So, it is imperative evryone ought to read what Krugman has got to say in the book.

It would be a relief to read him after the 'level playing field' and '10 flatteners' and other stuff that Friedman writes about in his book ,"The World is Flat". Globalization of the kind that exists today, is that of coporate globalization, not one that benefits common people, poor people, disenfracnhised people. It is globalization of the rich nd corporates. So, I'm glad that Krugman wrote a book, pointing to the disapperance of the US middle class. Now in the 21 st century the inequalities in the society are similar to those of 1920's! Are we going forward or backward?

There is also another small, good book I read, which offers a counter perspective to Thomas Friedman's book. Following are the links to the interesting and concise book which shows up Thomas Friedman's postulates on gloabalization to be anecdotal, nice, long stories of his rich and corporate acquaintances. Also, it throws light on issues that Friedman doesn't touch upon, or only deals with in a light manner.

Pankaj Ghemawat of Harvard Businees School also wrote a book on how Friedman is wrong about world being flattened.

"The world isn't flat as a result of globalization," say Ronald Aronica and Mtetwa Ramdoo, business analysts and authors of a critical analysis of Friedman's book.
"Globalization is the greatest reorganization of the world since the Industrial Revolution," says Aronica. But by what Friedman's book ignores or glosses over, it misinforms people and policy makers alike.

To create a fair and balanced exploration of globalization, the authors cite the work of experts that Friedman fails to incorporate, including Nobel laureate and former Chief Economist at the World Bank, Dr. Joseph Stiglitz.

And what I also like is that the authors provide a wealth of interesting information at the book's Web site:

Also a thought-provoking 13 minute Overview on the Web:

And the recent interview: "Aronica and Ramdoo pummel Friedman's flat world back into a sphere,"

Also a really interesting 6 min wake-up call: Shift Happens! www.mkpress.com/ShiftExtreme.html

There is also a companion book listed: Extreme Competition: Innovation and the Great 21st Century Business Reformation

So, if you want to know much more about globalization than what Friedman provides you, check out
www.mkpress.com/flat for concise and very interesting information.

Best wishes,


Susan - an excellent line I picked up from the link you provided:

Albert Einstein once wrote, “Everything should be made as simple as possible, but not simpler.” Friedman’s simplistic treatise on globalization fails that test.

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