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June 13, 2008


Janet Evans


You are a lucky man ... how strange to say that! But as we discussed, things could be worse. But, Mister, you sure own a lot of "stuff!"

Don't forget that offer to "push your car."


John, I'm so sorry to hear of your waterlogged experience. You've got to be exhausted. Let me know if a housewife from Brookfield can do anything to help.

John Michlig

Thanks Janet and Cindy.

The UPS man arrived yesterday with a book I ordered last week, so I'm on my way back to reconstruction already - BOOK ONE is on the shelf!

Greg Kowalski

I'm glad to hear some kind-of normalcy is coming back to household.

I have so much confidence and pride in my community's ability to stick together when times get tough. I don't think I'm alone in openly stating that the residents of Franklin took another notch upward in community awareness, giving, and unity.

You hear all the time about other communities where people can be so seperate from each other. But in our community, where we don't even have a simple downtown main street, we're in abundance with regards to involvement and outreach.

It's very easy for me to say Franklin's my home today and hopefully for many future years to come.

Fred Keller


I’m very sorry to hear you were hit hard by the storms. I can’t imagine what it must be like for you and your family. You’re in my thoughts.

I’m proud to say I live in a community like Franklin and represented by Mayor Taylor and Alderwoman Wilhelm, who selflessly go above and beyond the call of duty to help a family in need.

How many other communities could say the same?

Hang in there, man!

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