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July 30, 2008


J. Strupp

Hopefully this trend to rethink America's suburban design will continue once the speculative oil bubble has burst and suburbanites stop feeling the gas pinch.

I do wonder if we'll resort back to business as usual.

John Michlig

You are optimistic - - last time I looked, the Earth wasn't making any more oil any faster than usual. It's a finite resource, unfortunately.

J. Strupp

Not optimistic-realistic. Fossil fuels will be the world's primary energy source long after you and I are gone.


I think the point is that gas isn't going to get any cheaper. Gas prices will continue to rise long after all of us are gone. The pinch isn't leaving.

J. Strupp

Nothing you buy is going to get any cheaper.

The question is when a "pinch" is not a pinch anymore. If you say, perhaps, $100/barrel crude oil then I would say you won't be feeling the "pinch" much longer.

John Michlig

"Nothing you buy is going to get any cheaper."

Do you want to take that back NOW, or wait until after I show you my receipt for 2 gigabytes of RAM I bought last week for 1/25th the cost of a megabyte of RAM a decade ago? :)

J. Strupp

Ha....got me there. ALMOST nothing is going to get any cheaper.

J. Strupp

Speaking of which, I just bought a newer SUV (to replace my totalled SUV....long story) for less than my buddy bought his Saturn about 3 years ago.

John Michlig

Piling on: Last summer I got a nice hybrid bike for half the price of what the FRONT SHOCKS used to cost 6 or 7 years ago.

J. Strupp

Sounds great. Maybe I'll go pick up one of those hybrid bikes to haul my wife, 2 kids and boat around in!

John Michlig

I cited my bike as recreation, not an alternative :).

Good luck trying to get anywhere useful on a bike in the suburbs.


Alternative fuel people. Its time to really fight for this cause!

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