Long story short: Franklin alderman Steve Olson has proposed that, as a cost-saving measure, the city no longer provide mileage and meals expense payments to the alderpersons serving on the Common Council. (See the proposed ordinance after the jump. It's still warm.)
You have to hand it to Steve Olson; he's an old-school pol, able to recognize and seize a grandstanding opportunity when it presents itself. Who can vote against this without harming themselves politically?
What possible harm could it do?
First, some perspective. The 2008 city budget allots $15,600 for the mayor and alderpersons' mileage and expenses. That's about $2.11 per year per Franklin citizen.
Not per day, or per month, or per quarter - - that $2.11 covers the entire year.
It just so happens that a Vanilla Iced Coffee at McDonald's costs $2.11, hence the photo at left.
What alderman Olson is doing - - besides shining his own apple - - is common among a certain species of "movement conservatives." As an official swept into office by the dubious Franklin Citizens for Responsible Government, we can assume he subscribes to that group's "government is evil" ethos to some extent: All taxes are bad; we should get services somehow for free; take care of your own back yard and to hell with public amenities and needs; etc.
The strategy, then, goes like this: In order to show how inept government is, you kneecap it at any level possible - - from within. We saw Franklin's Environmental Commission laid low and made inconsequential after its role was reduced and Olson shrewdly nominated for membership an inexperienced-but-outspoken person who he knew would draw unfavorable attention to the EC.
The member of Franklin's Plan Commission with the most professional expertise to offer (and who has consistently been alone in taking principled stands against developer shortcuts and shortcomings) was effectively removed from the commission before an outcry brought him back. His presence, however, is mitigated by the inexplicable appointment of former alderman Pete Kosovich to the commission.
Inexplicable? Well, maybe not. Kosovich, you see, is also Franklin Citizens for Responsible Government alumnus. What he lacks in city planning expertise he makes up for in loyalty. (Keeping things interesting, Olson actually voted against Kosovich's appointment; Mayor Taylor broke the 3-3 tie.).
I've been listening to tapes of (the politicized) Plan Commission meetings. Not very inspiring, not very focused, and not very productive - - and suddenly there is talk of "redefining" the Commission's role by weakening its ability to regulate development details.
The surest path to more strip malls and unproductive sprawl development is an unfocused plan commission. Great for developers, though; they make their money much quicker and easier without all those pesky "standards" and "long-term integration plans."
Developers of desirable projects avoid unfocused communities.
And now, continuing our seemingly inexorable march toward mediocrity, the very foundations of every citizen's primary relationship to his or her local government is in danger of being changed mere days after a bunch of "whereas's" are spit out of an inkjet printer.
Steve Olson figures that for the price of that single McDonald's Vanilla Iced Coffee, we'll be A-OK with the prospect of further de-professionalizing the status of our principal representation.
That cool refreshing drink will somehow soothe the idea that persons with drive and expertise will be discouraged from public service while folks for whom money is no real concern will govern us - - a governing class of People Who Know Better. Perhaps persons with financial backing. From local developers, for instance.
And perhaps the sugar and caffeine combination buzz will addle our thought processes to the extent that we don't see Olson looking over his shoulder at two new alderpersons who managed to win seats away from comfortably ensconced incumbants, and, in the intervening months, raised the bar a bit in terms of what we expect from aldermen. Rather than simply "being" aldermen, Kristen Wilhelm and Steve Taylor are out there doing; rather than doing what has always been done "because that's the way we've always done it," they are asking the hard (and even unpopular) questions that sometimes make meetings longer than some are used to. They have, so far, demonstrated energy and range far beyond their predecessors.
Can we continue to attract and develop quality, unbought civil servants when, in service to a short-sighted grandstand play, even their small stipend is eliminated?
Some perspective:
The Zizzo Group (Boomgaard!) bills at $175 an hour. Count how many Zizzo folks are at the next 27th Street Commission meeting and whip out your calculator. Call an emergency meeting tomorrow to discuss the possibility of dubbing the area surrounding Wal-Mart and Golden Corral the Crap to Go District. Three hours: $1575 on the invoice.
That's a lot of McDonald's Vanilla Iced Coffees.
This is the city where we for years happily disgorged to a City Development Director a $83,137 salary (not to mention benefits). Recently-departed Doug Wheaton was "so busy" in that position that he could not deign to grant me a 15 minute audience to discuss exactly what he and his department do/did on a day-to-day basis. Now that Wheaton has left, the position - - "so busy" - - is not even being refilled.
Sure would like to see that money back.
We can only hope that the motion will be tabled tonight to allow for further discussion. To vote on it tonight - - and the council members dare not vote "no" - - would represent a capitulation to crass political misdirection.
We deserve better. Maybe even fries to go with that Vanilla Iced Coffee.
WHEREAS, the Citizens of the City of Franklin have duly elected the members of the Common Council, the Mayor and the Aldermen of the City to provide policy making decisions relating to, among others, the financial stability of the City; and
WHEREAS, the exceptional growth in property values in new construction and in existing properties has slowed substantially over the past fiscal year; and
WHEREAS, the State of Wisconsin Legislature has enacted limits on the City’s ability to increase the tax levy to fixed percentages of growth in new construction or 2 percent; and
WHEREAS, the Common Council has negotiated compensation packages with the employees of the City, the financial impact of which may exceed the capabilities of the City to pay without reductions in expenses and/or personnel; and
WHEREAS, the Citizens of the City look to the Common Council to provide leadership not only in word but in action; and
WHEREAS, the Legislature of the State of Wisconsin has vested authority in individual Members of the Common Council to refuse salary for themselves under Wis. Stat. § 66.0505; and
WHEREAS, the Common Council may reduce its Members’ expense and mileage payments as are established under §55-3. of the Municipal Code.
NOW, THEREFORE, the Mayor and Common Council of the City of Franklin, Wisconsin do ordain as follows:
SECTION 1: All regular payments to Common Council Members of mileage and expenses shall be SUSPENDED under order of this ordinance.
SECTION 2: Payments for mileage and expenses shall be suspended through City fiscal years 2008 (period of time remaining from time of enactment and effective date), 2009 and 2010.
SECTION 3: This ordinance shall take effect at the next regular pay period for each Common Council Member following the publication of this ordinance.
Grab your pitch fork and light your torch, there's a Franklin Common Council Meeting tonight at 6:30!
Posted by: Fred Keller | September 23, 2008 at 04:22 PM
It's a sad day when effective government is stripped away by individuals posing as leaders trying to save you money. Olson certainly fits that bill.
Honestly, I'm not a fan of McDonald's Iced Vanilla Coffees.
Posted by: Greg | September 23, 2008 at 05:12 PM
“I have come to the conclusion that politics are too serious a matter to be left to the politicians.” ~ Charles De Gaulle
Steve Olson characterizes the kind of politician De Gaulle was referring to.
Steve Olson represents himself.
We are forced to question his independence. An Alderperson’s loyalties must be to the constituency, not to developers, cronies, or special interest groups. Too much doubt on this point is disqualifying.
From personal experience, I can say that whenever his voting goes against the grain of community consensus, he will claim, “I received a lot of support for the way I voted via telephone calls, etc.”
As a great believer in maximizing his profile, it makes sense that he would strut about with illusions of his tax-hawk prowess by his petty and insignificant loping of mileage and meals for Council Members [more harm than help]. Mercy, this guy makes Mother Teresa look like a rookie! Or so it would seem.
Here is the same guy pushing for Franklin to spend millions of their tax dollars for the 76th Street improvements when the County will do it for nothing. Tax hawk??!! Golda my EAR!!
When you question him or voice your disapproval, the generic reply usually amounts to; “You don’t know all of the facts.” The “facts” usually amount to the tax dollars he so cavalierly plans to extract from our wallets.
To retain his autonomy, he counts on his own vagueness and verbosity to misplace the truth and assure his own survival.
He was instrumental in the force-feeding of the Carstensen/Taylor project that now identifies itself with a huge, red, inflamed anus known as the Shoppes at Wyndham Village, at Drexel Ave. & Hwy 100. Being a fan of backroom deals, trading of favors, and sticking his nose where it is not appropriate; he attended meetings concerning this project that demonstrated a blatant conflict of interests concerning the representation of his constituency.
You will always find Steve pissing on the hydrant to fortify his credo of: “The only kind of politics worth having are those that come from a position of visible power”.
The inane and transparent “cost-saving program” that Mr. Olson proffered, attests to the close scrutiny that is warranted in his future representation and how he votes.
Now THAT’S the guy we sing about around the campfire!!
Posted by: franklin resident | September 23, 2008 at 08:56 PM