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September 19, 2008


J. Strupp

I see that Palin's numbers have dropped quite a bit in the last week. I think this whole gimmick is really starting to sink in with the majority of Americans who are actually using their brains.

Conservatives can only hope and pray that McCain lives through his 4 year term as President if he's elected.

J. Strupp

I see that Palin's numbers have dropped quite a bit in the last week. I think this whole gimmick is really starting to sink in with the majority of Americans who are actually using their brains.

Conservatives can only hope and pray that McCain lives through his 4 year term as President if he's elected.


Uhm...the elite experienced leadership of this country, in both parties, is shoving $1 Trillion + of corporate debt into a special account so we can all own it and pay for it for ever and ever.

What the hell does experience have to do with anything? Then they just screw you even harder!


You can vote for McCain and GUARANTEE more of the same, or vote for the candidate whose arrival in the White House will guarantee a fresh start to which you can hold him accountable.

The U.S. cannot survive another four years of Republican chicanery. Give the Democrats a chance to screw things up their way for a while. :)

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