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October 14, 2008


Fred Keller

John, we can agree that there are plenty of morons and fringe-fanatics on both sides, but I don’t know that I can agree with you if you’re considering me a “McCain-faithful.” I’d have to say I’m more of an “Obama-faithless.” I may have to hold my nose and vote for McCain, but I can’t squeeze my nose hard enough to “pull the lever” for Obama.

And I assume the “terrorist-pal” Palin was referring to was William Ayers and his bride Bernadine Dohrn. I suppose Palin could have said, “domestic-terrorist,” called-out Ayers and Dohrn by name, or more rightly referred to the pair as Obama’s “Chicago, anarchist-pals.”

I did some research, too, but couldn’t find video of Obama doing something like this (see link below) on McCain’s behalf at any of his campaign rallies. Maybe you’ll have better luck…



"I did some research, too, but couldn’t find video of Obama doing something like this (see link below) on McCain’s behalf at any of his campaign rallies. Maybe you’ll have better luck…"

Obama hasn't needed to. You see or hear anyone calling McCain names at Obama rallies? Did you ever hear or see Obama making suggestive remarks about McCain for the audience to feed off of?

You reap what you sow, and McCain is learning that now.

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