This is what we mean by REPUBLICAN PARTY-SPONSORED UGLINESS & DESPERATE APPEALS TO FEAR, as opposed to the "lone nutjobs" we see on both sides (In other words: Are there liberal and progressive nutjobs? You betcha. Difference is, they don't get anger- and fear-driven marching orders from - or mimic an ugly tone set by - the Democratic Party or Obama/Biden):
Save The USA from Brown Terrorists:
Michael Froomkin reports from Florida:
This is accompanied by a smiling photo of Governor Charlie Crist, along with a message warning that terrorists want to kill us, and that we should vote for Republicans to “help keep America safe.” (You can download a .pdf of the entire mailer, if you want.)
Got that? The State GOP, which paid for this thing, and the formerly post-partisan Governor, are saying that Democrats want to surrender to terrorists. Talk about low-class smear jobs…
It used to be that we only saw stuff like this in the last week before election day. But the GOP wants absentee ballots, and early voting starts soon, so here we go.
(Via Suburban Guerrilla.)
Take a trip on Hwy Y just north of I43. You will be greeted with a huge plywood sign on top of a tractor that reads, "Vote for Terrorism, Vote Obama."
How "American" is that?
What a effin disgrace.
Posted by: J. Strupp | October 13, 2008 at 12:02 PM
Will this blog be back to discussing community in the American suburb after elections are over?
Posted by: Paul | October 13, 2008 at 04:17 PM
It's my feeling, however, that this campaign brings to light a great many issues surrounding our current "state of the suburbs" that bear examination though the lens of these candidates and their followers.
Posted by: john | October 13, 2008 at 04:28 PM
Keep it up, John. Never has a campaign exposed the nasty underbelly of America the way this McCain-Palin nonsense has. It all makes me feel we deserve the worst that WalMart and China have to offer.
Need any Melamine?
Posted by: Michael | October 13, 2008 at 10:44 PM