The selective morality of a hypocritical dogmatist.
Incredible. Absolutely astounding. Evidently, Ms. Palin believes some innocent people deserve to die and be maimed.
See more at Daily Kos, where I got this transcription of the appalling exchange:
Brian Williams: Is an abortion clinic bomber a terrorist under this definition?
Sarah Palin: (Exasperated sigh.) There’s no question that Bill Ayers by his own admittance was one who thought to destroy our U.S. Capitol and our Pentagon. That is a domestic terrorist. There is no question there. Now others who would want to engage in harming innocent Americans or facilities that it would be unacceptable to, I don’t know if you’re gonna use the word "terrorist" there.
Sarah Palin: (Exasperated sigh.) There’s no question that Bill Ayers by his own admittance was one who thought to destroy our U.S. Capitol and our Pentagon. That is a domestic terrorist. There is no question there. Now others who would want to engage in harming innocent Americans or facilities that it would be unacceptable to, I don’t know if you’re gonna use the word "terrorist" there.
They're terrorists, Ms. Palin. Home grown.
I don't know der hey John, I tink your beyin a little hard on the lady.
She's a soccer mom ya know!
Terrorists only hang around with dem Arab candidates like Barack, don't cha know!
Posted by: Bryan Maersch | October 24, 2008 at 03:26 PM
Ms. Palin seems to believe that terrorism is defined by her like or dislike of the victims thereof.
This is exactly the moral lassitude that makes her so dangerous.
Posted by: John | October 24, 2008 at 03:34 PM