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November 19, 2008


Fred Keller

Good Luck, John!

Janet Evans

Congratulations, John. Well deserved. I was enlightened by your Volunteer sheet. You would have made a good fit on the Plan Commission.

Perhaps some city officials do not read the materials submitted by applicants; thoroughly, that is. Perhaps they only read the names of the applicants.


You do understand this was a "Sit John. Sit." command, right? The mayor can't be accused of dismissing an applicant's interest; you are handing over development grants for new liquor licenses. (At least that's all Brookfield's EDC manages to accomplish. But then, maybe Franklin doesn't have to use reserve licenses.)

John Michlig

I'll have to get through a couple meetings before I pass judgment.

I look at it as a little toe-dip.


Congrats, John. I must say I'm disappointed that the Mayor didn't offer you the spot on the Plan Commission, as you've demonstrated an immense bank of knowledge in that department. In time...

Thanks also for offering your time and service to the community - I know you don't have much free time to spare!

Bryan Maersch

John you need to get a nik name like Peko Pete has.

Maybe Jiving John!

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