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January 15, 2009


Bryan Maersch

"Now the question is: Will they get a break on their liquor fee ala Staybridge Suites?"

My guess is Only if they plan on giving out free drink tickets to people who will be staying overnight at the restaurant as Staybridge plans on doing with their "Free" liquor license.

J. Strupp

I thought you would enjoy today's Franklinnow headline, John:

"Shoppes at Wyndham Village filling spaces"

...just about sums it up now doesn't it?

John Michlig

Sounds so TRIUMPHANT, right?

J. Strupp

Almost as tiumphant as the announcement that a Sport Clips will located there.

I joked on your blog a couple weeks ago about the possiblity of a "Great Clips" coming to the developement.

I was WAY off.

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