I've been out of town and unable to give this issue the attention it deserves:
On the agenda for the Tuesday, June 2nd Common Council Meeting is a discussion of FINALLY adding a logical (and safer) additional connection to Pleasant View Elementary, whose single-access problems and defiantly disconnected roads have been documented in this space frequently. (Like HERE)
Once again, it appears something odd might sneak through Franklin's Common Council: Instead of running a road out to 51st street - the shortest, direct route - there appear to be Council members who, for whatever reason, want to create a connective street that runs through the winding, residential Hillendale subdivision. AND it would eliminate a currently-used pedestrian path improvised by students and parents who - gasp - walk and/or bike to school!
At one point (given the current horrendous situation pictured above) I was relieved to hear of any relief road, even one that went to Hillendale - - before I learned that there was/is no real obstacle in going west to 51st, a route that doesn't go in the wrong direction and doesn't barrel through residential streets.
It's just plain odd that the Hillendale route is being considered at all, much less without without traffic studies, etc. And, frankly - suspicious. Unless I suddenly hear about a gas line that can't be crossed, private property that needs to be condemned, or a Native American burial mound that is in the right-of-way to 51st, this smells of old scores being settled and petty politics trumping the safety of the children who attend Pleasant View.
Furthermore, a new church is being built right in line with a connective road to 51st Street! While the church certainly should not be responsible for the cost of the road, the city of Franklin should use this opportunity to address a longstanding embarrassment and connect to 51st street. (As I understand it, the church is willing to give the city the right-of-way it requires.)
Pedestrian and bike-friendly Complete Streets in Franklin? It looks as though that's beyond our grasp, in spite of the fact that new home buyers desire walkable communities and will seek them out.
They will look elsewhere, I suppose. In Franklin, we apparently celebrate mediocrity.
There will be a normal out-of-context public comment period at the beginning of the meeting Tuesday night, but - as usual - no opportunity for citizens to dispute or question some of the convoluted logic that will surely be woven by certain council members as they defend feeding traffic into a residential subdivision that offers a winding route out to Rawson, while at the same time adding vehicular traffic to the foot path currently in place.
If past history is any indication, council members will deploy righteous indignation at the notion that they are giving safety short shrift. There will be scoldings of citizens who disagree. This is why people are reticent to voice their opinions.
Could there be a good reason NOT to extend a road west to 51st? Perhaps. But let's make sure to turn over every stone before creating another useless road.
Certainly, residents of Hillendale and parents of Pleasant View students should attend tonight's meeting and speak out nonetheless.
(More at Franklin Today and Bullseye, and FranklinNOW.)
3rd District Alderman Kristen Wilhelm sent the following to her constituents:
Many of you have voiced your opinion that if money needs to be spent by the city for an alternative access at Pleasant View School you would rather have Marquette go WEST to 51st rather than east to Hillendale. Your voice at the Council meeting this TUESDAY night may be your LAST CHANCE to give input on this issue.
The Hillendale road plan keeps changing in its use, size and cost. These changing plans are not being provided for public review and input. The outcome of this meeting will forever change your neighborhood, the woodland, the present (and only) pedestrian access to the school and how traffic will flow when the large vacant lands are developed near 51st.
The city uses traffic studies when they want to analyze safety or justify wider neighborhood roads, but no such study has been done on how the Hillendale connection will solve a traffic problem or provide a timely emergency access.
When it comes to safety and the nearest location to the fire station, there is no denying the best route is WEST to 51st Street. The fire and police chief, and the alderman pushing hard to connect Hillendale, all confirm this. The mayor, planning and engineering staff, school members, aldermen and others also agree WEST will “eventually” be connected, yet no effort is being made toward this safer and less disruptive option.
Sensible solutions always benefit from common input, which is yours to give now. If you believe your elected officials should show the full plans, research the safest option, consider future land use, traffic flow and neighborhood integrity please attend TUESDAY and/or contact the other decision makers on the Council. Please see the Council members contact information at www.kwilhelm.us on my website 'information' tab and the talking points below.
Your support is NEEDED & appreciated,
Talking points:
- It’s the most direct route for emergency services coming from the Drexel fire station.
- West provides buses a direct route to the school, limiting bus and car traffic through residential streets; including freeing W. Madison Ave, 46th and 49th.
- It maintains the present walking path and does not cause a secondary safety issue by mixing children who bike and walk with cars and buses.
- West straightens and improves the bus line-up area versus the short right angle turn at Hillendale.
- It avoids the need for future development to use 49th as a backdoor exit.
- West provides a very efficient, direct access for Princeton, Victory Creek and other residents, again freeing 46th, 49th and West Madison Avenue.
- It provides easterly residents a closer foot or bike access to the Oak Leaf Trail thereby limiting the travel distance on 51st St.
- It is simply the safer, better alternative that takes future needs into consideration and disrupts the least people.
3rd District Alderman
City of Franklin
9229 West Loomis Road
Franklin, WI 53132
Home phone 414.423.1606
[email protected]