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July 28, 2009


Janet Evans

The loss of freedom (and free days); the loss of innocence.

There really are locations that still live the way we did - riding our bikes or walking for miles. I know of some.

Sadly, if we could have our children enjoy that freedom, would there be too much watching the clock in order to get to an activity?

Lenore Skenazy

Hi! Thanks to bad city planning (non-planning, really) and media intent on making us believe predators lurk behind every bush, kids are not only driven everywhere, we end up treating them like invalids! Really, until this generation, WHO had to be picked up, watched over, comforted, cossetted and carried all the time except those with actual handicaps? To the extent we can give kids back their right to roam, we are giving them the greatest "after school enrichment" program of them all. Hence, my book, "Free-Range Kids: Giving Our Children the Freedom We Had Without Going Nuts with Worry." Even if they can't get out and ride on the insanely busy streets, they can make dinner, or at least make their own "play dates." Or try! Thanks for t his lovely article. -- Lenore Skenazy

John Michlig

Thanks, Lenore - I put "Free-Range Kids" on my list of things to read this summer and will hopefully comment on it here as the school year begins.

As I've mentioned on this blog before, my daughter's school is so close I can hear kids on the playground, but we STILL have to drive there. Very sad.

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