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August 05, 2009


J. Strupp

Two weeks ago I stopped by Cousins in the "shoppes" development on our way back from the library to grab some lunch with my kids.

70 degrees and sunny.

I took the kids out of the car seats, had lunch in Cousin's (no outside seating available), strapped the kids back into the car, drove across the development to Ferch's, unstrapped the kids again, bought some ice cream for my daughter and went on our way.

It's truly remarkable how much of a let down this development has become in a matter of a year.

John Michlig

Not to mention how different your afternoon would have been if the library, Cousin's, and Ferch's were all in walkable proximity to one another - - and how different the entire atmosphere would be.

Sad to think that our community interactions are based almost completely upon the desire of this or that developer to exploit an arbitrary patch of land that they'd acquired, regardless of where that land actually is in relationship other assets.

Placeless places.

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