In 2007, DC Everest Junior High School of Weston, WI (near Wausau) received $242,900 in Safe Routes to School funds for their project.
From the Wisconsin Safe Routes to School Reporter, Winter 2009.
The DC Everest Junior High School project installed a sidewalk on the street in front of the school, added a sidewalk from the school entrance to the new sidewalk at the front of the school and changed the traffic flow into the front of the school to one-way. In addition, a new multi-use path was created to allow students to enter at the back of the school. Prior to these improvements the area in front was a safety concern as missing sidewalks and poor layout of the street and parking lot in front of the school led to cars, buses and pedestrians all mixing together.
Now that these infrastructure improvements have been made the school is implementing pedestrian safety lessons in physical education classes, promoting bike safety, and promoting safety to the community.
With help from the Marathon County Health Department, over 400 students have received pedestrian safety lessons. The school has incorporated pedestrian safety into its bowling unit since the bowling alley is a 10-minute walk from the school. This daily walk allows the schools to incorporate safety into an existing activity. In addition, students participated in a fun game of pedestrian safety Jeopardy prior to their bowling unit in PE.
Last fall, a Walk to School event was held for all the junior high students. Students walked 3/4 mile from Kennedy Park to the school during our Walktober event week. Three walk to school dates were organized and each time a student participated they received a chance to win for prizes. Although two of the days were rainy 43 students participated each day along with teachers and administrators.
Planning is already underway for bicycle safety month in May. The Perfection on Wheels bicycle stunt team will be performing at DC Everest during a bicycle safety school assembly. In addition, the school will continue to work with the Community Resource Police Officer to provide bicycle helmets at reduced prices for all the community schools. The school will also promote the bike rodeo sponsored by the police department.
To further support students bicycling to school, two new bike racks were added at DC Everest Junior High. A count in October showed over 50 students rode their bikes to school and used the bike racks. The school intends to add another rack in the spring and continue to add more racks as needed.
Contributed by Karen Wegge, DC Everest Junior High
CNU's Norquist in Hartford Courant: Fund real main streets — not highways — with the "Jobs for Main Streets" bill now in Congress | Congress for the New Urbanism
From the Congress for the New Urbanism website:
Read the rest at: Norquist in Hartford Courant: Fund real main streets — not highways — with the "Jobs for Main Streets" bill now in Congress | Congress for the New Urbanism
Posted at 10:08 AM in Bicycling and Walking, Commentary, Community Concepts, Current Affairs, Economic Development Commission, Politics, Retail design, Stimulus, Wisdom | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)
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