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June 02, 2010


Marty  Weigel

This is what you get when you "cluster" sports fields. Instead of putting six diamonds (or soccer fields, etc) in one place, surrounded by a sea of asphalt, facilities should be sprinkled around town, in neighborhoods where the home team might actually be able to walk or bike to the game. Neighborhood schools = neighborhood sports/rec = walkable/livable neighborhoods.

Marty Weigel

John Michlig

Indeed - an extreme negative consequence of zoning and "pod" development.

Bryan Maersch

Neighborhood Schools, what a novel idea.

I sure am glad that previous School Board (then lead then led by Dave Szychlinski and Dr. Fritag) rezoned our subdivision to a school that was/is 4 miles away instead of any of the three that were in the 2 mile vicinity.

John Michlig

Gotta keep the buses in business, I guess.

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