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May 05, 2011


Bryan Maersch

Hoping to hear your perspective soon on what is going on with the EDC as you are a recent, former, and vocal member. Sounds like you may be getting your wish to see the commission in it's death throws.

John Michlig

Just so there's no mistaking my position: I definitely think Franklin needs an Economic Development Commission. Just not the one we currently have (in terms of configuration rather than personnel).

I talked at length at the last Committee of the Whole meeting about what I'd like to see done. After I get a chance to review the tape, I'll post a summary.

Marty  Weigel

I'm not sure most of your younger readers will understand "plates spinning"..but I look forward to the return of your "shoe..."

Al Foeckler

It's been nearly a week since your post - are you on a post-hiatus hiatus?

John Michlig

I'm asking for ANTICIPATORY pardon as well.

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