Liveblogging my ongoing notes from the CNU 19 session entitled SPRAWL RETROFIT AT THE MACRO SCALE:
- First, an overall impression of CNU 19: It is incredibly bizarre to be surrounded by a huge group of people all "speaking my language."
- Another initial impression: Lots of stylin' black suits here. Architects, you know...
- Very well attended - almost every seat filled.
- Galina Tachieva (author: THE SPRAWL REPAIR MANUAL) is speaking: "Suburbs contain more and more diverse populations. Voters are in the suburbs."
- "We are likely facing a decade of recession."
- "There is a new awareness of sprawl's effects on environment."
- Health effects of sedentary lifestyle
- Jim Kunstler couldn't make it. Damn.
- Change will not be sweeping, but incremental.
- Christoph Gielen is showing overhead photos of ridiculous "cluster world" suburbs, part of an art project he has done.
- "Prisons of our own making." "An encapsulated life...".
- Next Patrick Doherty, Director Smart Strategy Initiative: "Retro-Fit at the Strategic Scale"
- Mentioned increase in flooding and tornadoes; middle class recession. Natural and unnatural disasters.
- American Grand Strategy: Big problem, big response, ala Arsenal of Democracy in WWII. Suburban sprawl was an element of our Cold War national strategy.
- "Strategy of Sustainability" is recommended by government/military think tanks.
- The new economic engine consists of the attributes of walkable communities.
- How do you build a national strategy like we did with sprawl? Location efficient mortgages, etc.
- Planners as central in national security and prosperity.
- Adam Ducker (RCLCO): New Urbanism and mixed development - Does the market want it? Who is going to pay for it?
- Density not going up significantly yet.
- Lot sizes ARE getting smaller.
- "Repaired suburbs" are a preferred destination.
- "Urban Lite"
- "Walkable" is now most important buying factor for Gen Y.
- Next factor: Being near shopping.
- Challenge: Demonstrate "premium revenue potential" of great places.
- Galina Tachieva - There is a difference between suburbs and sprawl. Older suburbs were walkable.
- Municipal tax revenues INPROVE in new, denser development and commercial sectors.