Kaid Benfield is a familiar name to SPRAWLED OUT readers; I frequently link to his excellent posts at Kaid Benfield's Blog, which is part of the Natural Resources Defense Council website. In his year-end roundup of his favorite posts from his own blog, Kaid was kind enough to mention me and fellow Milwaukee-area blogger Dave Reid:
Props are due also to an amazing bunch of urbanist and environmental Facebook and real-life friends who keep me informed on all sorts of subjects from the amusing to the profound, and thanks especially to the fabulous blog writers whose work on these subjects continually inspires me, including Steve Mouzon, Chuck Marohn, Dave Reid, Chuck Wolfe, Daniel Nairn, Aaron Renn, Jon Hiskes, Richard Layman, Sam Newberg, Justin Horner, Deron Lovaas, Mary Newsom, Jason King, Chewie, Randy Simes, Payton Chung, Warren Karlenzig, John Michlig, Karja Hansen, and some I am probably forgetting. Keep up the great work.
After you read some of Kaid's entries at the link below, you'll understand why I'm so gratified to be in that list.
Read the rest at: My favorite posts of 2010, from the very personal to the very cosmic | Kaid Benfield's Blog | Switchboard, from NRDC
Government 2.0: Citizens take the lead
Look at this nifty and useful Google Calendar implimentation on Greg Kowalski's FRANKLIN TODAY blog:
This is exactly the kind of useful content that a community blog should offer. Bonus feature: If you have a Google Calendar account (and/or iCal on a Mac), you can subscribe to Greg's City of Franklin Calendar and have those events integrated into your own calendar and automatically updated.
That's pretty handy.
The official City of Franklin website has a calendar module as well, and it isn't so bad. It looks like this:
Clicking "View all Events" sends you to a page with a longer list of city events as well as links to agendas and meeting minutes.
I think, however, the city could stand to emulate Kowalski's use of free Google services so citizens can subscribe, for instance, to meetings covering certain TOPICS and ISSUES as well as gathering of specific commissions and committees.
Inching closer to transparency ....
Posted at 07:00 AM in Close to Home, Commentary, Community Concepts, Good news, Recommended site, Science, Transparency | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)
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